Isabella, Megan & Mica Mae
Today we started our day bright and early excited to take on Maasai Mara! We had breakfast at 6:00am so we could make the most of what Maasai Mara has to offer. We were greeted at the entrance with ladies selling colourful jewelry, wonderful carvings, and much more – Mikaela was not easy to persuade but ended up buying 16 bracelets.
As we entered the park we quickly identified some topi and impalas. Next, we joined a traffic jam up ahead wondering what all the commotion was about, until we heard one of the passing cars say “lion”! We got so excited as we slowly approached the bush where she was sunbathing in the grass, completely unbothered. We were even able to spot her cubs rummaging around in the bush behind her! Vikas was very enthusiastic to capture a photo of this beautiful beast. Shortly after, we passed a family of elephants with a fresh newborn strolling through the park. Farther along, we noticed a Maasai giraffe elegantly moving across the long grass, making use of his lateral jaws.
Many of us were thankful to see a bathroom, and as we burst out of our seats, a plane began to take off! Others were occupied by the extravagant array of trinkets displayed across blankets at the stop.
After our quick break, Isabella jumped out of her seat at the sight of a cheetah making its way across the field. As we carried on, some vultures caught our eye – when all of a sudden we were stunned by the sound of cackling hyenas zipping out to steal their food. Moving along, we finally got up close with a young male lion taking refuge under the shade on this hot day.
John (the first) took us on a bit of an off-roading trek to find the optimal spot for lunch (away from the lions of course). We enjoyed pancakes, pasta, and fresh watermelon under the cover of the trees. We had some smaller visitors, Harold and Matilda – the praying mantises (as named by Sarah). After a beautiful break, we packed the truck up with Kevin and Lucas, and got on the road again.
One bumpy ride later (to no fault of the wonderful John) we stopped for a group photo at the border of Kenya and Tanzania – it made for a quick layover. Then, we took a hike along the Mara river, with hippos and Nile crocodiles snapping their jaws in the distance. Robert and John (the third) took us on a lovely tour, stopping for photos with us at the end.
Later on, we walked back to the big red truck, and leisurely drove to the gate, in no particular hurry. On the ride, we passed a ground horn bill and a secretary bird – Dr. Lougheed was especially excited to capture a few pictures. As a final goodbye to the park, a parade of baboons crossed the street in front of us – ending our once in a lifetime Maasai Mara journey – one for the books.

beautiful light

Sarah with Harold

Kevin and Hannah

John our skilled driver

At the Kenya-Tanzania border

lunch in the savanna


hyena with prize

lesser striped swallow

lioness with cub

marabou stork

secretary bird

dozing crocodile

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