All of us must obtain an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) in advance of traveling to Kenya. The link to the application can be found here: Note that the reason for your travel is ‘tourism’ Indicating that you are traveling for ‘study’ implies that you are enrolled in a program at a Kenya institution – an activity for which a routine eTA is inappropriate. Before you can obtain an eTA we must finalize the travel arrangements so that you make include dates and flight numbers and other such details.

You will be gone for approximately two weeks so not an interminable length of time but certainly one where you will wish to consider what you pack fairly carefully. I here attach a list that should provide most of the information that you will need. A few things. While we are at the equator we may on occasion be fairly high in altitude with reasonably cool evenings. This you should consider some warm clothes. You should also bring clothing that is modest (i.e. no bare shoulders, bellies or knees, not tight-fitting clothes) as a courtesy. We also provide the baggage dimensions for the flight we choose, although we have not yet decided on airline. I have some field equipment and books so will ask you to keep a small space available in your checked bag. Do remember to bring some shillings (obtain them here rather than trying to do this in Kenya as we will ricochet out of Nairobi quickly). If your cell phone is capable you can purchase an eSIM in advance. It might be well to obtain a few Euros as well for the Frankfurt Airport.

Packing list here. Note that this is simply a guideline.

Kenya Packing List 2024