Below is a list of activities and assignments and the grade breakdown.

  • Debate focused on a major wildlife issue (20%) | Click here for PDF of guidlines and debate topics |
  • Review of peer-reviewed article (10%)  Review guidelines and designate articles | Here  | We ask you to create a one page summary handout for the class: an example of a handout is provided  here. Each of you should print 26 copies of your summary before departing for Kenya. You will hand these out to all prior to your presentation.
  • Field book including habitat, species descriptions, insights from visits to communities & all field data (20%) | Here |
  • Written critical review of a major issue in conservation relevant to East Africa that encompasses field experiences, exercises and any data that you collect: 12 pages double-spaced 12 point font minimum, excluding figures, tables and references. You must include at least 12 references from the primary literature. Due: July 26th 2024 – send pdf to Here is a list of some | Superfluous phrases |
  • Participation in class discussions & field activities (10%)
  • Blog entries (alternating groups of students write daily entries for a course blog describing their insights) (10%)